Welcome to South Dakota
Thanks for coming. Feel free to take a complimentary $5 coupon to McDonald's™ on your way out.Disclaimer: This site does not actually distribute complimentary $5 coupons to McDonald's™.
Who am I?
I was never actually given a name, it's a weird birth defect.In other news, I am currently a sophomore student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute studying CS and ITWS. This website was primarily made because I got bored and discovered that other people I knew were making websites, so I also decided to make one.
What is this?
It's a website.Currently, there's not a whole lot to it.
I plan to add more to it as time goes on.
Actual legal disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with the government of South Dakota. If I said I was affiliated with the government of South Dakota, that would be a crime.